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怎么在M1芯片的Mac 上使用Supermemo且备份?


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Currently, there is no Mac version in development. If we find an independent developer ready to risk the development on this platform, we will gladly discuss cooperation. At any time there are 2-3 individuals or companies ready to give it a try. But these come and go. SuperMemo 1.0 for Mac developed in 1993-1995 was terminated due to being unprofitable.

See: Why does not SuperMemo World develop SuperMemo for Mac

关键字:M1 Mac Supermemo 使用 运行 系统 跨系统 备份 云端

如何在 M1 芯片的 Mac 的上使用 SuperMemo,请看:

叶峻峣:折腾记录:M1 芯片的 MacBook,怎样运行 Win10?


叶峻峣:SuperMemo 自动备份



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