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I'm going on vacation. Can I pause the scheduler?


Being able to come back from a break to find Anki in exactly the same state you left it in may sound attractive, but unfortunately while it's easy to tell the computer to suspend its estimates of how quickly you are forgetting, it's not possible to suspend your memory, so memories will continue to decay if you don't revise. If you paused the scheduler, you would be delaying the review of every card in your deck, increasing your chance of forgetting every one of them, even those that would normally have appeared after you returned from your break.

从度假回来并发现此时 Anki 的状态和您离开时的状态是一样的,这听起来很有吸引力。但不幸的是,虽然很容易告诉计算机暂停其对您遗忘速度的估计,但这不可能暂停您的记忆,所以如果您不复习,您的记忆将继续衰变。如果您暂停调度程序,您就会延迟复习你牌组里的每张卡片,这会增加您忘记每一张卡片的可能性,甚至是那些您休息回来后正常出现的卡片。

For this reason, Anki does not provide the ability to pause the scheduling algorithm. Instead, try reviewing ahead using the custom study feature before you leave and/or setting a daily limit on the review tab of the deck options to make it less painful to catch up when you come back.

因此,Anki 不提供暂停调度算法的功能。作为替代,您应该试着在您离开之前使用自定义学习功能进行复习,或者在牌组选项的复习选项上设置一个每日的复习限制,这样当您回来的时候就不会那么痛苦了。


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