Leeches in SuperMemo are questions that a student keeps forgetting. Most often leeches come from disrespect for the 20 rules of knowledge formulation. Some well-formulated material may also need a boost from mnemonic techniques or a boost in coherence, e.g. by setting questions in relevant context.
SuperMemo 中的 Leech 指的是学生经常遗忘的问题。大多数情况下,Leech 来自对知识表述的 20 条规则[1]的不尊重。一些表述良好的材料可能还需要加强助记技巧或增强连贯性[2],例如在相关的上下文设置问题。
1. 20 条知识表述规则 ./269997143.html2. 一致性与连贯性 ./264327134.html